Why Do Fish Need to Get Along in an Aquarium? Gouramis don’t like living with their own species, so it’s best to pair them with other hardy and same-sized fish like Swordtails, Rosy Barbs, Tiger Barbs, Pictus Catfish, and Archerfish. Scientific name: Trigonostigma heteromorpha. Remember that dwarf gouramis are considered semi-aggressive fish. The African Dwarf Frog is a fun critter to keep in a small tank. There are many aquatic animals to choose from that will add color and interest to your community tank. The waster in a small tank can go bad quickly if you don’t stay on top of things. Danios stay close to their tank mates for social reasons, which is regarded as shoaling. But there are a few options out there for 5-gallon tanks, some fish and some not. What Fish Can Live with Bettas? You can start here: Betta Fish Care Facts and FAQ. You might want to skip fish altogether and stock your small tank with critters instead. In fact, in my opinion, no fish should ever be kept in a one-gallon tank. It is generally true that larger aquariums require less maintenance. Since they’re small, make sure to place them with other tiny, non-aggressive fish. This article is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge. All varieties of goldfish grow much too large for such a small aquarium. Tetras, especially the Neon Tetras, like to live in peaceful communities. The light that comes with the tank will warm the water somewhat, but not nearly enough in cooler environments. This, of course, is much better for the inhabitants of your tank, but also for children who can enjoy the educational benefits of aquarium care. Platy Fish. This kind of fish is one of the best suitable fish you can keep in a bowl or a small tank. Although the most common tank mates for guppies are more guppies, they do well with other types as well. I'm partial to bettas. You may be tempted to consider a goldfish for a one-gallon tank, but they are not appropriate either. With your help (and luck) nothing will die in my tank now . You might not need an air pump as guppies don’t like strong currents. What Types of Fish Can Live Together in an Aquarium? You think we got the money for all that? Another peaceful fish that will live harmoniously with most other fish is the Cory Catfish. 5. The oldest will be 9 years old next week (December 14, 2014) and he was a fry I kept from my very first breeding of bettas. When you’re grouping different fish types, you’re creating a new habitat for them from scratch. These fish have an extremely interesting look that makes them stand out (or blend in) compared to many other species. You can also add larger tetras and peaceful corydoras for a greater variety in the tank. Big tanks can evolve into healthy little systems that almost take care of themselves, especially if there are live plants in there. They are known for fighting for territory. I've heard this so many times and still can't figure just how true it might be. General wisdom suggests that big fish will usually bully and eat little fish. The good news is that the fighting greatly reduces once the swimmers mature and have clearly defined territories. If you choose a male Betta for your tank he should be in there alone as there is a strong chance he could be aggressive in such confined quarters. But, just because these animals can survive in a small aquarium that doesn't mean they are easy to care for. Small, one-gallon tanks often have poor filtration, and they pollute quickly, meaning most fish will perish. What are you talking about? Goldfish are easy to care for and fun to watch. Here is a couple you might consider: Most small aquariums come with secure lids, so the African dwarf frog may be a fun choice. Water Conditions: 77°F – 82°F Puffer fish are cute looking chubby fish that are found all over the world. Since they like traveling in schools, they add an attractive splash of vibrant colors to the tank. But we’ve all been there. Also, don't forget about the secure lid thing, because they can and will make a break for it. While it might be nice to consider a world where all of your beautiful fish can live together to create a stunning community tank, the fact remains that these animals are wild no matter what steps you take to make them into pets. The Hillstream loach (or Butterfly loach), like goldfish, is native to Asian waters and is a peaceful fish with an intricate pattern. Eric Dockett (author) from USA on December 30, 2013: Thanks Sheila! Like other species in the animal kingdom, fish mainly fight for three reasons: Hence, it’s extremely important to know the mating, resources, and territorial needs of each species so that you can group them peacefully. Although goldfish are more social than tropical fish, you could have compatibility issues if you place different types of goldfish together. Having a colorful school of dainty fish species living together! If offers peace of mind, as you don't have to guess whether or not your tank water is healthy for your fish. Livebearers like swordtails and Ender’s livebearers make for ideal tank mates too. But even the betta isn’t really a great choice. Best fish for 5 gallon tank Dwarf Puffer. No matter what fish or critter you are interested in, you should consider the largest tank you have the space for. Jessica Peri from United States on December 30, 2013: I used to have a betta that I kept in a half gallon tank with a heater and small filter. Danios prefer an ideal temperature between 64 and 77 degrees F with a pH of 6-8. Other great options are guppies, tetras, rasboras, danios, and gouramis. Gouramis typically live on the upper and middle levels of the tank, where the water is slow-moving. For one thing, you are typically unable to choose your own aquarium filter for many mini tanks are very weak, and only slightly better than none at all. Five-gallon tanks don't take up much more room than those mini tanks and are small enough that they don't need a special stand. I would not try to keep more. I’ve used the API Freshwater Master Test kit with a lot of success. Group behavior in freshwater aquarium fish is a function of both social connectivity and a mechanism for increased chances of survival. When setting up your freshwater aquarium it is better to seek professional consultation. The fish are built for swimming. Great article. It is something that they will do on instinct. Keep the temperature between 70-81 Degrees F with a pH between 6.0 and 7.0. The best tank mates for danios are Rummy Nose Tetra, Rosy Barbs, Dojo Loach, and Bronze Cory. Kuhli Loach. Most species of goldfish grow very large, believe it or not, and require huge tanks or outdoor ponds as adults. Keep small pebbles and rocks underwater and make sure the substrate is dark. However, if you’ll be introducing more fish species, than ten gallons or anything upwards is a good choice. But they do need clean water and plenty of hiding spots. They also have to be a small-type of fish. Eric is an aquarium enthusiast with over two decades of experience caring for a wide array of tropical fish. Fish That Can Live With Koi In A Tank Barbel (Barbus barbus) Guppies. Pajama Cardinalfish. Their small size and colorful... Zebra Danio. Your fish are completely dependent on you to care for them in a humane manner and to make sure their needs are met. Pygmy Corydoras. Give him some decorations to hide in and swim through, and make sure the current isn’t too strong. Try to pair fish together that can grow alongside one another to a similar size at maturity. Top 5 Fish for Your Small Tank 1. It is a good idea to stock two females for every one male in order to cut down on stress. However, larger species such as the emperor angelfish (Pomacanthus imperator) will eat corals and shrimp and should be avoided. Question: Which fish would be good for a one-gallon tank? You will need to purchase a sufficiently large tank, strategically set it up, and introduce your turtle/fish appropriately and slowly. These freshwater aquarium fish need densely planted tanks and plenty of hiding spots. By choosing fish that live well together in a community setting you can create a safe, diverse aquarium you can enjoy for years. That said, if you have to choose between keeping a goldfish in a bowl or a 3-gallon tank, the small tank would obviously be the better option. A single male Betta is a great choice for a small tank. This is bad news in any tank, but especially in smaller tanks things can quickly spiral out of control. In the wild, danios are also found with Honey Gourami, Indian Flying Barb, and Emerald Pufferfish. The bottom line is this: The smaller the tank, the more limited your options. Maintain the water temperature between 75 to 82 Degrees F and pH between 7.0 and 7.2. Eric Dockett (author) from USA on May 27, 2020: @Unknown - Then perhaps fish keeping isn't for you. What types of fish are small and can live together in a 2.5 gallon aquarium? As you now hopefully realize, there are very few tropical fish that can do well in a very small tank, and a 5-gallon setup is much better than those tiny aquariums. Any fish that’s larger than a tetra shouldn’t be put in the same tank. It's a constant balancing act, and very stressful for the fish. Guppies are small, curious fish and will do well in a 5-gallon tank, provided the water is warm enough and the environment is kept clean. If possible, do some research (or ask the staff at your pet store) on how to tell male and female guppies apart. On average, angelfish and neon tetras can live quite well together in a community tank, as long as you get both species when they are small (just babies) and let them grow-up together. Although gouramis can be slightly aggressive, they tend to behave well when kept in well-monitored fish tanks. By Josuevg – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, Link. Since betta fish are both aggressive and small, keeping a single fish in a 1-gallon tank is appropriate. By KDBlackmore (Own work) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons. These tanks also rarely come with heaters, a must for tropical fish. Since they’re average-sized, swordtails don’t need much room; however, their active nature will certainly enjoy a larger space. Harlequin Rasboras. Goldfish are laid-back, easygoing and hardy; they can live up to 20 years.They should only be kept with other goldfish because of their unique diet and, unlike other tropical fish, do not need a heater. Even though they get along, you don’t want to overcrowd. Tiny tanks and tiny fish are adorable and very fun to set up and enjoy. Royal gramma. While still small, at least you have some options, and if you do it right you won't compromise the health of your fish. Happy birthday to your Betta fish! They’re active swimmers and frequently hop around in the water, adding plenty of life to the aquarium. Clown Killifish. But if you are set on a small aquarium be sure to choose your fish wisely, and take good care of the tank. It’s easy to use and lasts a long while. They are energetic freshwater fish with dazzling colors. While the most common is the Zebra Danio, they can be found in many colorful variations. Eric Dockett (author) from USA on December 31, 2013: Linda Crampton from British Columbia, Canada on December 30, 2013: Thanks for this useful information. My only gripe is that frogs and shrimp are technically not fish, but that's just me. If you choose fast or aware fish, such as bala sharks or african cichlids, it might be possible, but don't get any fish … You can have a little group of half a dozen shrimp in a 5-gallon tank, provide a lot of interesting things for them to climb on and feed them algae wafers and sinking pellets. Thanks for the tips. Only one male can be kept in an aquarium, as males will fight with one another (hence their common name, Siamese fighting fish). Betta fish are a typical choice for a small tank, but even they need a fair amount of space. I'm keeping a male betta by himself in a 10 gallon currently. In addition to making your community tank more colorful due to their silver body, ... 2. SAVE 30% on your next fish food & supplies order. This fish, which is sometimes called a river dog, has the capacity to form a close bond with its owner and will wag its tail, even – just like a dog! Guppies are small, curious fish and will do well in a 5-gallon tank, provided the water is warm enough... 3. Answer: One goldfish could live in a five-gallon tank. While there are no hard-set rules on what you can put together in a tank, having an idea of which fish will compete with each other for food and even position in the tank can go a long way in ensuring a peaceful fish tank. Yes, you can keep certain turtles and certain fish together in the same tank. However, if the question was how many goldfish should live in a five-gallon tank the answer is: zero. But if you’re willing to put up with the work, at least the bubbles serve to oxygenate the water. Choose wisely, don’t over-crowd and make sure you clean the tank weekly. So, can turtles live with fish? By being smart when combining species you can achieve a beautiful and safe environment in the fish tank. Fancy Guppy They like the temperature between 72 and 82 degrees F with a pH of 6-8. What’s better than petting a single fish in a tank? A dwarf gourami is a bad choice for anything less than five gallons, but if that’s the tank size you’ve chosen it may be an option. With neons, it is especially important to keep the water clean and clear, as they can be sensitive. Therefore, it’s extremely important to only group or pair species that get along with each other. All tanks require regular water changes, but this type of filtration requires frequent cleaning, probably to the point of removing the gravel once a week and rinsing it. I suggest at least a 5-gallon tank or bigger for bettas, and I would prefer you choose a 10-gallon or bigger for every other species. Clownfish. Bigger tanks are easier to care for, and give you a greater chance at success as a new aquarium owner. A word of caution: If you plan on a Betta fish please take the time to learn how to care for him correctly. You’ll be a happy fish keeper, with happy fish. If the air temperature in your home is steadily in the mid-70s you don’t need a heater, but otherwise, your choices of fish are limited. Bettas are also in the anabantid family, which is why they can do well in water with lower oxygen levels. There are three main differences when it comes to aquatic environments – cold water or tropical water and fresh water or salt water. Unfortunately, too many people see tropical fish as disposable pets and don’t fully consider their needs. Fish and turtles can live in the same tank together, provided several of the following factors are on point. If you put an adult angelfish in with tetras you run the risk of the tetras being bullied or even eaten by the angelfish. Gouramis are anabantids, meaning they can breathe the air above the water. Betta Splendens Betta fish can tolerate a 1-gallon fish tank. Least Killifish. The cost of a 5-gallon tank isn't unreasonable, and if you hunt around you can put one together for around the same cost as a 1-gallon kit. You have the responsibility and power to make sure the tank works properly, especially how different fish interact with each other. Corydoras Catfish. They are usually acrylic, and they come packed with everything you need to set up a functional aquarium. Again, creating a natural, freshwater habitat is the key to reducing aggressive behavior in danios. Like guppies, you’ll want to choose a school for five or so, with no other tank mates. As aquarium gems, pygmy cories are perfect if you are looking for fish with adorable looks, that’s peaceful, fun to watch, and can live in a fairly small aquarium. They also pollute the water very quickly in a confined space. This is what many fish keepers call a "betta sorority". Molly Fish. Little tanks under 10 gallons are just so hard to maintain because its entirely up to you to keep the water clean. Wonx2150 [Public domain], from Wikimedia Commons. They are clean fish. However, you need a systematic approach to ensure they can co-habit the tank safely. Although there are a few fish, like goldfish, that prefer a spacious tank all to themselves, many other fish love diversity. Keeping fish is a rewarding experience. Always pair them with the same-sized fish to avoid aggressive fights in the aquarium. Question: How many 3-inch goldfish can live in a 5-gallon tank? African Dwarf Frogs can be kept in a group of two or three in a 5-gallon tank. Because they are anabantids they can breathe air from the surface, and they can survive in less-than-ideal conditions. You should have 20 gallons of water per goldfish. 16 Small Awesome Fish for Nano Saltwater Aquarium. They are suitable for creating micro-ecosystems you'd never be able to establish in a smaller tank. If you don’t already have one, I suggest getting a freshwater test kit so you can monitor water parameters in your tank. However, make sure not to house guppies with larger, more aggressive types like red-tailed sharks and hostile barbs. They don’t need super-warm water, and they are amphibians so they breathe air. Put hiding places for the fish to hide and relax from your turtle. Is there a type of fresh water fish that looks like a shark that can stay in a 5 gallon aquarium ? Sure you’ll make mistakes, and you’ll probably feel badly when you lose a fish because of something stupid you’ve done. 25 Best Freshwater Aquarium Fish Species 1. Animals exhibiting signs and symptoms of distress should be seen by a veterinarian immediately.