He argues that you do not have an effective strategy if you and your competitors are doing the same things. Separate products to serve distinct purposes. Furthermore, we in higher education seem quite enamored with five-year plans. They suggested that higher education A Strategic Planning Process Model for Developing Open Educational Resources Shu-Hsiang Chen, Jaitip Nasongkhla, and J. Ana Donaldson. The examples they provide support using data to inform planning and striving to balance aspiration with reality. The discussion has been informed by three areas of concern common to many higher education institutions: the need to manage changing funding models, the need to seek more sustainable support from key constituents, and the need to improve student recruitment and retention. Therefore, if the opposite of your strategic choices looks stupid, then all competitors are going to have pretty much the same strategy as you, doing you little good. Models for successful strategic planning abound and often … Think compass, not map. What key objectives will best ensure that we fulfill our mission in the foreseeable future? This book aims to bridge the gap between preaching and practice in Strategic Planning in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). A concentration on strategy might help institutions operate more efficiently, make smarter choices among competing priorities and set the course for a sustainable future. The problem with many college and university strategic plans is that they do not articulate choices; they are internally, not externally focused, and are muddied by operations. The first model we will highlight is the "Basic" Strategic Planning … Plans appear in highly visible places on websites. 72) facing institutions of higher education, strategic planning is critical. It’s also common to hear someone say, “Culture eats strategy for lunch (or breakfast),” which is fine. It is not the sole undertaking of faculty members, administrators or the board. Operations are the steps to implement strategy and therefore deliver on the mission. Institutions should recognize that strategy can be created from consistencies and synergies across efforts, and need not always come from a formal strategy-development process. Strategy is set and advanced by a collaborative effort. The concept of strategic planning has extensively been used to formulate institutional objectives of higher education institutions into time bound deliverables. Harpswell Foundation students. We discuss common pitfalls and guiding principles for gaining buy‐in, implementing the plan, and financial planning. Provide some students with a transformative experience or provide all students with a less than transformative experience. Once the program in higher education took root, others saw the potential for similarly structured programs in school administration, education entrepreneurship, medical education and for chief learning officers. But other strategy emerges from the work on campuses, particularly among the faculty. Now there’s a way to run your college or university with speed and agility . The better ones convey particular actions with respect to target audiences, as well as articulate outcomes. Institutions hold retreats, often over many days, to talk about plan implementation and progress. How is the environment evolving and what does that mean for our competitive advantage? Better as an institution or better at planning?” Her reply, sheepishly: “Ah, better at planning.”. These pitfalls can lead to unrealistic timelines and/or a loss of momentum. In addition, we profile two successful strategic planning processes, including the timeline, participants, procedures, and lessons learned. New Approaches, Different Questions, Novel Outcomes. The Synario modeling engine communicates changes to your projected financial statements, including cash flow, as you make them. The solution, tried and tried again, on most campuses is to improve planning efforts to create better strategic plans. Although there is a general agreement on the conceptual note on the strategic planning process, the differences are conspicuous in its internal process of transformation from strategic formulation to implementation. (PDF) Strategic Model and Strategic Planning in Higher Education | Gamze Sart - Academia.edu In the era of the 21st century, the best higher education institutions have more than one role. Strategy, as a concept, sits between mission and operational plans. During a recent workshop on strategy (and not planning), the following exchange occurred between an experienced administrator and one of us. University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma, University of South Florida-Sarasota-Manatee, University of South Florida-St Petersburg, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, West Valley/Mission Community College District, West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine, Bruce Springsteen and the Biden-Harris Victory, Teaching Online in the COVID Crisis: What We Have Learned, Responding vs. Who are our competitors -- both traditional and nontraditional -- and in what ways are they competing differently? VISION. Involve more people, develop new metrics, hire different consultants, have leaders say earlier in the process that “this plan will not sit on the shelf.” But what if improving planning is the wrong focus? The report comprises the following two sections: Receive industry-leading insights directly in your inbox. But plans are not strategies. Strategy is a primary example of that “inescapable interdependence” the AAUP’s 1966 Statement on Government artfully framed over 50 years ago. What might happen if rather than developing and arguing over objectives, goals, timelines and key performance indicators, administrators, faculty members and trustees spent the time framing and asking a limited number of strategy-related questions? What is magical about 60 months? Therefore, institutions either: 1) revise their plans and priorities as the world evolves during that five-year window or 2) ignore some (or most) of what is in their plans as they respond to new challenges and pursue emergent opportunities. At Morgan State University, listening sessions, town hall meetings, and a regularly updated website promoted involvement from a wide swath of the campus community. Share your thoughts », Practical Wisdom: Thinking Differently About College and University Governance, Arizona State University-Downtown Phoenix, Bowling Green State University-Main Campus, Caldwell Community College and Technical Institute, California Polytechnic State University-San Luis Obispo, California State Polytechnic University-Pomona, California State University at Stanislaus, California State University Dominguez Hills, California State University Maritime Academy, California State University-Channel Islands, California State University-San Bernardino, Call to Action: Marketing and Communications in Higher Education, Chabot-Las Positas Community College District, Chicago School of Professional Psychology, Columbia University in the City of New York, Computer Science / Information Technology, CUNY Borough of Manhattan Community College, CUNY Graduate School and University Center, CUNY John Jay College of Criminal Justice, Development / fund raising / alumni affairs, Doane University-Graduate and Professional Studies, East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University-Daytona Beach, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University-Prescott, Facilities / auxiliary services / sustainability, Fairleigh Dickinson University-Metropolitan Campus, Faith Baptist Bible College and Theological Seminary, Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University, Foothill-DeAnza Community College District, Fuller Theological Seminary in California, Gov. The environment for most universities is volatile and variable, not static and predicable; it is challenge dependent and not time dependent. Perform low-impact research. By continuing to use this website, you consent to our use of cookies. Harrisburg University of Science and Technology, Indiana University of Pennsylvania-Main Campus, Indiana University-Purdue University-Fort Wayne, Indiana University-Purdue University-Indianapolis, Instructional technology / distance education, Louisiana State University and Agricultural & Mechanical College, Marketing / public relations / government relations. Jerry Brown rallying support for Proposition 30 on election eve, Grand Valley State University - College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Grossmont-Cuyamaca Community College District. Who are our key audiences and how are their needs and aspirations changing? 2. Thus, we have the title of this essay (which is an intentional overstatement, as we will explain below). Strategic planning in universities is frequently positioned as vital for clarifying future directions, providing a coherent basis for decision-making, establishing priorities, and improving organizational performance. 8, No. Given the demands on campuses and the complexities that academic leaders face, might institutions be better served by looking at the future through some new lenses rather than reinvesting in yet another round of similar work? Our website uses cookies to improve your experience on our site. Three Stages of Strategic Planning 3.1. Why should time matter more than other variables that might define strategy and its direction? So if the results are less than impactful, then why do we invest so much in strategic planning? Strategy is the pathway to deliver on that mission. They need plans to operationalize their strategies. Many of the institutions consulted said they would welcome some guidance on good practice. Articulating the right things to do is difficult work. Request your custom consult below and a member of our team will be in touch. Section 1 examines best practices in strategic planning for higher education institutions. Operations address how to do things right, whereas strategy is about the right things to do. Most strategic plans tend to adopt an artificial focus of five years (the bold ones aim for 10 years or more). As noted in an Inside Higher Ed article, some of the commonalities of successful strategic planning models for higher education include having an inspirational presidential vision with input from the faculty and a stamp of approval by the board. Strategic planning in higher education requires both reliable financial projections and a deep understanding of how various projects, initiatives, and scenarios will impact your college or university. As academics, we have been preachers of management theories and concepts but, when it comes to the real world of practicing What are the boundaries of our efforts? English, British – ANZ; English, British – UK; Need to respond to change as it happens? They design and put in place new data systems to track progress and create elaborate metrics and key performance indicators. Too many university strategic plans are mostly outcomes or ideals (or unfunded “wish lists”), without an articulation of strategy. And once answering those, developing a series of operational plans to deliver on strategy, such as linking budgets with priorities for the next two years? Some are triumphs of form (or wordsmithing) over substance. Framing the right questions can help craft strategy, as those questions can energize the collective will and creative good thinking across campus that is needed to address today’s pressing challenges. Strategy is what we say we will do, but it also is about the cumulative effect of what we have done. Institutions would be better served to first start by articulating statements of strategy and then creating operational plans to deliver on those statements (see the University of Vermont’s College of Education and Social Services pathways in its planning document). The Strategic Planning in Higher Education(SPHE) approach provides a seven-step blueprint for establishing planning priorities, guiding the process, and bringing the plan’s goals to fruition. As a result, they need to further strengthen their capacity for strategic performance. A short plan cycle may also mitigate the tendency to front‐load or back‐load goals during the planning process. University of Queensland student Robert Carrol participates in a surgery rotation at the Ochsner Clinical School in New Orleans. While important operational priorities are frequently advanced in traditional strategic plans -- such as creating a financially sustainable business model, leveraging technology or growing enrollments -- they are not strategy. A focus on strategy is intended to help institutions experiment and take initiative, to ask questions and create synergies, and to move institutions ahead in often unknown and unknowable environments. Drawing again on the work of a range of strategy thinkers, examples of potentially impactful questions include: In the end, as Martin and his colleagues suggest, strategy is fundamentally about answering two key questions: 1) Where to play and 2) how to succeed. Colleges and universities would be better served by focusing on the other half of strategic planning: the strategy, Peter Eckel and Cathy Trower argue. Kaufman’s Strategic Planning Model • systems framework model by Kaufman • model has undergone extensive improvements during the last 2 decades • initially presented in systems analysis of 6 steps • Organization Elements Model (OEM) – systems framework of 4 major clusters of 13 steps & improved into 3 major clusters of 12 steps 34. These operational plans can decouple operations from strategy, develop a short-term (12- to 18-month) road map, and ensure greater agility and responsiveness as needs arise and conditions change. A strategy map is a visual tool designed to clearly communicate a strategic plan and … Enter your email address below to opt in: Visit one of Hanover’s COVID-19 Resource Centers for clear, actionable information to help you design your response to the pandemic, Copyright © 2020 Hanover Research / All Rights Reserved /. Most strategic plans tend to adopt an artificial focus of five years (the bold ones aim for 10 years or more). 3… This essay is based on a chapter in their new book, Practical Wisdom: Thinking Differently About College and University Governance. Failure in strategic planning can be disastrous. Rather, they came about because a few savvy faculty members saw the need to offer a doctoral program in a new format in higher education management (the where-to-play decision). The growth of international activities within higher education institutions takes place in a number of different ways ranging from the ad hoc (reactive) to the strategic (proactive). Now they matter a good deal to the institution. How might we respond? Yet despite all this investment of time and resources, few strategic plans enjoy strong consensus that they are meaningful and have a real impact on the trajectory of the college or university. We know that it can feel lik… Strategic Planning in Higher Education Abstract Higher education institutions around the world are taking on more responsibility for their own future planning. Strategy exists if some competitors choose different, if not opposite, paths. “Educate students for the global 21st century,” anyone? B. E. International Journal of Information and Education Technology, Vol. Workday Adaptive Planning helps higher education teams accelerate budgeting and expense cycles, align resources against priority programmes and courses, and streamline critical processes like enrollment planning. Strategy as a field may have a lot to offer colleges and universities. Access the best custom research to help hit your organization’s goals. This guide reviews good practice in strategic planning in higher education (HE). The higher education landscape continues to experience change. It originated in a consultation exercise which we held in 1998 to review our approach to strategic planning. And all the while, those who lead the planning process can be heard saying, “This plan will not sit on the shelf (this time).”. What criteria is used to demarcate what is inside and outside those boundaries. What is magical about 60 months? How well do the strategic choices in your institution’s plan pass this opposites test? Institutions still need plans. (For some, the answer is simply five years of reprieve before they have to go through the planning process again.). By framing different types of conversations as part of strategic planning efforts, our hope is that we can generate different, and more beneficial, outcomes from those processes. Those elements answer the college’s “where to play” question. Roger Martin, former dean of the business school at the University of Toronto, has a wonderful test about plans versus strategy. Photo courtesy of New College of the Humanities/Simon Jones. How well do higher education strategic plans provide answers to those deceptively simple questions? Be the first to know.Get our free daily newsletter. The opposite of “provide all students with a transformational learning experience”? What do we not do or consider not doing? Once finished, there is great fanfare and publicity, often around the plan’s creative name and new, bold priorities. Reacting in a Never-Ending Breaking News Cycle. Decide on short-term strategies that will allow you to reach milestones which clearly show progress towards achieving the company vision. planning process of a typical commercial initiative, the framework of the higher education strategic planning deploys almost similar methodologies in strategic formulation and strategic implementation. Peter Eckel serves as senior fellow and director of leadership programs at the Alliance for Higher Education and Democracy in the University of Pennsylvania’s Graduate School of Education. For intentional strategy formation, involving key stakeholders is important, if not essential. master of New College of the Humanities. Identify (or re-identify) the goal of your organization, and make sure the mission statementis consistent with this. for strategic planning in high er education which is modif ied fro m Jonson’s model Keepin g in mind the differen ce in context between business and governmental higher education organization. For example, the opposite of “performing high-impact research”? Nothing affects a school district more than its ability to create and execute a strategic plan. Strategy is the purpose for which you will be taking these operational steps. The most popular strategic planning model goes by no particular name, but is frequently used in many large companies, all across the world. Founding Director Alan Lightman is pictured on the center right. Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey, Missouri University of Science and Technology, North Dakota State University-Main Campus, North Orange County Community College District, Northern Virginia School of Therapeutic Massage, Northern Wyoming Community College District, Ohio State University Agricultural Technical Institute, Oklahoma State University - Center for Health Sciences, Patient simulation at Springfield Technical Community College, Pennsylvania State University-Main Campus, Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Abington, Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Harrisburg, Rancho Santiago Community College District, Saint Francis Medical Center College of Nursing, San Joaquin Delta Community College District, San Jose/Evergreen Community College District, San Mateo County Community College District, source: istock.com/CEFutcher uses: Student, source: iStock.com/FlashSG uses: faculty retirement, source: iStock.com/hocus-focus uses: open education resources, source: iStock.com/marekuliasz uses: ethics, source: iStock.com/monkeybusinessimages uses: adult education, source: istock.com/nigelcarse uses: Finance, source: Lauren Rouppas uses: affordable care act, source: Wikipedia/Janto Dreijer uses: tablet, source: Wikipedia/Ludovic Bertron caption: gay students, source: wikipedia/strngwrldfrwl uses: remedial education, source:iStock.com/AnthiaCumming uses: S.T.E.M.
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