But ideally, after 15 seconds, the feeling should pass. You don't. You want your boss to focus on your actions after you made the mistake, not on the fact that it happened in the first place. Otherwise, don't try to hide your mistake. Worried that your professional credibility is hanging by a thread? If you can, get everyone to approach your boss together to alert her that something has gone wrong. Chances are, you’ll not be able to get through your career without making at least one—major or minor. Ask Questions. A tiny shadow of negativity may linger, but in general, you get over the snafu. I keep on making mistakes at work. It won't help you to point fingers at others, even if they do share responsibility for the mistake. It may, for example, endanger a relationship with a client, cause a legal problem, or put people's health or safety at risk. 1. Just acknowledge the error and move on. 7 Ways to Make Fewer Mistakes at Work 1. There are a number of people who are extremely scrupulous at work but who are, nevertheless, afraid of making some awful mistake. ... Unsure about the next step to... 3. Multi-tasking all makes us feel like superheroes, but trying to get a... 2. I keep making stupid mistakes at work because I'm in a rush and stressed. Then, once you know what you need to do, present it. The amount of time and money you’ll save making sure everything is done correctly before it goes out will more than pay for the fact you only have eight people directly working instead of 10. You certainly don't want to stir up more trouble by causing him to violate that requirement. Were you rushing too fast to hit a deadline, missing important details in the process? Take Breaks. Make them your priority and... 2. Updated on August 23, 2019 Trends. There are going to be some people who say "it's not my fault." It can have a dire effect on your employer. Use these tips to bring yourself back from a work blunder. It happens to everyone, even the most conscientious employee. First pass quality is a big deal. I'm working with older people and it's a fast paced team dealing with serious safeguarding. I fuck up shit all the time. Try talking with a trusted friend about what mistakes you’re making; chances are, if it’s a friend with whom you have things in common, he or she has made the same mistakes. When you make a mistake at work, your career may depend on what you do next. On the freeway of life, this is a parking ticket, not a multiple car pile-up. In the end, hopefully, each person will be held accountable for his or her own actions. If you are exempt from earning overtime pay, get to work early, stay late and spend your lunch hour at your desk for as long as it takes to correct your mistake. Distractions make you prone to mistakes. When we close we have to do side jobs, and I always forget one part of it or something like that. Being upfront about it will demonstrate professionalism, a trait most employers greatly value. Though it feels terrible, there’s a lot to learn from making mistakes at work, even in the world of accounting and finance. I hate….making mistakes at work. But sometimes, your mind exaggerates and distorts the potential consequences for your mistake, sending you into a state of agony and stressing you out, which, ironically, can cause you to make more errors in the future. What’s the most stressful thing that ever happened to you at work? No verbally flogging yourself. by Workmatters Team | Aug 10, 2015. Don’t panic. How To Avoid Mistakes At Work? I left home very late for work today, and on my way, I felt there was no point going to work anyway. Were you multi-tasking beyond your ability, with dozens of tabs open on your browser? Once, while reading a Jezebel article at my receptionist job in college, I clicked on a link to a rather racy Wikipedia article, which I was not expecting to include an image of a naked woman covered in whipped cream. Which brings me to: It can be difficult to maintain a sense of perspective when you’re upset with yourself, but try to make sure your emotional response is proportional to the blunder you made. In many situations, you can correct your error or just forget about it and move on. There are times when we all wish we had double-checked our figures, reread an email before hitting send, or removed our foot from our mouths before speaking. Making mistakes at work is a fact of life. This can actually cause you to keep making them, and won't let you learn from your mistakes. Give Full Attention To What You’re Doing. Honestly, people are usually so preoccupied with their own goals, projects, and issues, they’ve probably forgotten all about whatever you did wrong by the time you reach this step! The Balance Careers uses cookies to provide you with a great user experience. So, if you’re still mentally thrashing yourself about the document you forgot to attach to that email the other week, let it go. They start off with a low opinion of themselves. I have attempted to talk to him about paying more attention and taking more time to do things if necessary. They take away your attention and make you jump between... 3. I can’t tell you the number of dumb mistakes I’ve made at work — the kind that are completely embarrassing in the moment, especially if they aren’t necessarily work-related. By using The Balance Careers, you accept our. However, the problem is that in this new workplace, my manager keep on telling me to work faster, and improve my performance but so far I just worked 4 days in this new place and I keep on getting frustrated and mad at myself (whenever I do a mistake such as cutting the cake badly or not doing it well enough) up to the point that I am thinking about quitting. Hopefully, you will be able to put something together before you first approach her, but don't waste time if you can't. Maybe I will get fired. The best way to earn people’s trust and admiration is to consistently deliver great work.