The startup was founded by AI pioneer Dr Andrew Ng and its 'social distancing detector' analyses real-time video streams to detect that social distancing measures are being met. The new tool takes a video as input and tries to find people or more precisely clusters of people that stand too close to each other (by using some defined distance metric). Landing AI developed a tool … Social Distancing is the only way to prevent the spread of COVID-19 right now. Recently, Andrew Ng’s Landing AI team created a Social Distancing Tool using the concepts of Computer Vision. Want to read this story later? The tool uses cameras and AI … Social distancing is possibly the only way to contain the spread of COVID-19. In this article we will go through detailed explanation of how we can use Python, Computer Vision and Deep Learning to monitor social distancing at public places and workplaces. to measure the social distancing factors of humans. AI in the workplace. This is why Landing AI has created an AI-powered tool to ensure that people are maintaining a safe distance from each other. This project is inspired by their work. Last week, Silicon Valley based Landing AI introduced a new AI-enabled social distancing detection tool designed to help monitor and enforce physical distancing protocols in workplaces. Also, they examine the output with real-time video footage of street. Last week, a company called Landing AI introduced another way technology might help combat the pandemic: a tool that measures social distancing. Landing AI is a company out of California that will work “closely with you to empower your company to become an AI-driven organization” and they hope to “influence the emerging AI generation.” Some workplaces may be launching AI technology in the age of social distancing. The world will never be the same after the global #COVID19 pandemic and ‘social distancing’ is no longer an unknown phrase. LandingAI Output Footage Recently, Andrew Ng’s Landing AI team created a Social Distancing Tool using the concepts of Computer Vision. This project is inspired by their work. Landing AI, founded by Dr. Andrew Ng, one of the most famous names in AI today was founded with the purpose of helping … Hi everyone, In this project, I going to explain the two methods for social distancing detection. In past also AI/Deep Learning has shown promising results on a number of daily life problems. Landing AI, a company offering AI transformation for businesses has announced a new tool for monitoring social distancing in workplaces that works with any kind of video input. Landing AI says that its new app for supporting social distancing does not recognise individuals and so respects privacy. Recently the major tech giant Landing AI Creates the Social Distancing Detector with the use of data science terminology and also they decided to provide this technology to everyone at the workplace. Save it … Re c ently I had seen an SDD which was created by landing AI Company. Landing AI introduced a new AI-enabled social distancing detection tool designed to help monitor and enforce physical distancing protocols in workplaces.