Note that here I’ve truncated the timeline at 12 months, squashing all wait times longer than 12 months down to 12. We could break things down further, going journal by journal. Bias towards what? Blast from the past: when Robin James reported some important "theorizing"... COVID isolation periods should be shorter. A minimum of 3.5 GPA on a 4.0 point system, over the past two years of full-time study (a minimum of 10 full-course equivalents or 60 units) of the undergraduate degree. But we’re looking for something more specific: what portion of journal submissions come from women vs. men? It’s also not entirely accurate: … But then we’d face the problem of multiple comparisons, and we’ve already seen that the journal-by-journal numbers on gender aren’t terribly reliable. I’d add that the reported 2 month average for Mind is wildly implausible by reputation. Richard Marshall interviews Martin Lin (Rutgers)... White English professor at Pomona accused of "literary blackface" by colleagues for teaching Ralph Ellison. Roughly the pattern seems to be that the more submissions a journal receives, the more likely it is to be overrepresented in the survey. So maybe the records for this period were lost in translation. This surprised me, since I figured the surveys would serve as an outlet for disgruntled authors. But only 65 percent of religion majors matriculated into law school. It was the best guide I knew to my chances of getting a paper accepted at Journal X, or at least getting rejected quickly by Journal Y. There are 155 journals covered by the survey, but most have only a handful of responses. Locating acceptance rates for individual journals or for specific disciplines can be difficult, yet is necessary information for promotion and tenure activities. But I always wondered about self-selection bias. Acceptance rate: nearly 100%. Looking at the data from all journals together, it seems not: In fact it’s striking how stark the non-effect is here, given the quirks we’ve already noted in this data set. View the most selective colleges by state. Whatever your path in life, our philosophy MA offers invaluable assets: skills in clear thinking and careful reasoning, coupled with a knowledge of the history of ideas. The method of calculating acceptance rates varies among journals. I do want to flag that Mind has radically improved its review times recently, as we’ll soon see. Only Open Access Journals Only SciELO Journals Only WoS Journals The APA/BPA report gives the average wait times at 38 journals. Students in the program are well-placed to continue in doctoral studies, with many now teaching at universities around the world. It’s not as current as I’d like (2011), nor as complete (Phil Imprint isn’t included, perhaps too new at the time). The definition of journal acceptance rate is the percentage of all articles submitted to Studies in Philosophy and Education that was accepted for publication. But since the dates attached to those responses are certainly wrong, I’ll exclude them when we get to temporal questions (toward the end of the post). This means that fewer than 10% of students who apply will ultimately be offered a place there. Are acceptance rates the ultimate measure of selectivity? I figured disgruntled authors were more likely to use the survey to vent. Journals with lower article acceptance rates are frequently considered to be more prestigious and more “meritorious”.. This post is an attempt to better understand the survey data, especially through visualization and comparisons with other sources. An easy way to determine school or program prestige is to consult official rankings, such as those listed on U.S. News. The acceptance rate of Studies in Philosophy and Education is still under calculation. Do Phil Studies and Phil Quarterly really get the most submissions, for example? The ranking compares the top philosophy programs in the U.S. Read more on how this ranking was calculated. That leaves us with 11 journals on which to compare average wait times: The results are pretty stark. This is because the pool results in many students (880 in the case of the 2020 cycle, about 19% of all offers made) receiving an offer from a College other than the one they applied to, or were allocated to through the open application system. The Faculty welcomes applications for this degree in a wide range of philosophical areas. Here I’ll mostly assume these records are legitimate, and include them in our analyses. The Best Colleges for Philosophy ranking is based on key statistics and student reviews using data from the U.S. Department of Education. To make this feasible, I’ll focus on two groups of journals I expect to be of broad interest. #1: School or Program Prestige. Round percentages like these are the norm. Keeping that in mind, let’s visualize expected wait times at these journals with a ridgeplot. So let’s compare with an outside source again. Authors submitting to journals like Mind and CJP, where wait times have significantly improved recently, should definitely not just set their expectations according to this plot. But how reliable are these comparisons? In that process the data were moved to a different hosting service, apparently with some changes to the survey format. In any case, it looks like the norm is for the survey to get around 50 to 100 responses each month. Faculty? Processing time: 2-3 months. What about acceptance rates? The survey records five categories: Graduate Student, Non-TT Faculty, TT-but-not-T Faculty, Tenured Faculty, and Other. Studies in Philosophy and Education is an international peer-reviewed journal that focuses on philosophical, theoretical, normative and conceptual problems and issues in educational research, policy and practice. Of these, 720 have no date recorded. Looking at individual journals gives a more mixed picture, however: While the numbers are reasonably close for some of these journals, they’re significantly different for many of them. It … Gender doesn’t seem to affect acceptance rate. The journal is devoted to the publication of papers in exclusively analytic philosophy and welcomes papers applying formal techniques to philosophical problems. I don’t know any other comprehensive list of wait times, though, so we’ll have to make do. Advertisement. International Scientific Journal & Country Ranking. A late payment fee shall be automatically applied to payments made after this deadline, as follows: Graduate School 2015 Acceptance Rate: 70%. Various other sources put the percentage of women in academic philosophy roughly in the 15–25% range. (Draw your own conclusions about human nature.). That gives us a subset of 33 journals. Here are the acceptance rates for those journals with 30+ responses in the survey: These numbers look suspiciously high to me. Accepted submissions are overrepresented in the survey. One way to check is to compare these numbers with those reported by the journals themselves to the APA and BPA in this study from 2011–13. Main So who uses the journal surveys: grad students? | Socrates Comes (Back) to Athens... ». Nietzsche (Oxford Readings in Philosophy), The Oxford Handbook of Continental Philosophy, « Libertarianism and the Workplace | Minimum education Applicants hold a four-year undergraduate degree with honours or a major in philosophy; however, applicants with a degree in a related academic field will be considered. Brian Leiter | University of Chicago -, Nietzsche's Moral and Political Philosophy (SEP), Routledge Philosophers (book series edited by Brian Leiter), RAWA Statement on the anniversary of the September 11 tragedy, Sep.11, 02, 15 Answers to Creationist Nonsense: Scientific American, "The less they know, the less they know it", Deja Vu All Over Again (Repostings of Earlier Items of Interest), Merciless rhetorical spankings of fanatics, villains, and ignoramuses, Personal Ads of the Philosophers (and other humor), Sunday Classical (formerly "Sunday Symphonies"), Texas Taliban Alerts (Intelligent Design, Religion in the Schools, etc. And do they really get 4–5 times as many as, say, BJPS? I wonder if others who write tenure-letters (and, indeed, all of us who have to think about where to send articles we hope to publish) agree that it would be good if there were a site -- perhaps maintained by the APA -- to which journal editors could submit this information each year so that it could be found with a few clicks. Authors' names not concealed from reviewers; reviewers' names sometimes concealed from authors. It’s also not entirely accurate: it reports an acceptance rate of 8% for Phil Quarterly vs. 3% reported in the APA/BPA study. University of Oxford undergraduate and postgraduate acceptance rates, statistics and applications for BA, BSc, Masters and PhD programs for years 2007 through … In fact, if we’re forgiving about the rounding, only three journals have a discrepancy that’s clearly more than 1 month: Erkenntnis, Mind, and Synthese. And we can use those figures to infer that 17.6% of submissions to these journals were from women, which matches the 16.4% in the Journal Surveys fairly well.