I've recently gotten back into WoT after not having played for a while. This is a subreddit where we share WoT news, strategy tips, tank choices, and opinions. The Renault NC-31 is one of the best Tier 1 tanks in World of Tanks thanks to its sloped armor which helps it survive longer during combat. Hallo. It makes it also so that your reticle isn't jumping around horribly. Thus, I find moving targets to be impossible to hit. The Sturmpanzer I Bison is a German Tier II artillery. Make sure you allow your aiming reticule to de-bloom all the way. This takes patience, but it's better to wait for that shot than fire 2 that are all but guaranteed to miss. A tank must offer a specific playstyle for players to adopt and develop his new abilities around it, like abusing camouflage mechanics, finding irregularities in terrain to take advantage of well armored turret armor, etc. Ihr werdet nicht nur erfahren, wie ihr mit eurer dünnen Panzerung im Kampf überlebt, sondern auch wer eure schlimmsten Feinde auf dem Schlachtfeld sind, und wie ihr diesen entgehen könnt. Any general advice for low-tier SPG gameplay, or the sturmpanzer II would be greatly appreciated. Viele messen diesen weniger Beachtung bei weil deren Spielweise zu simpel erscheint, und die meisten nicht an die Effizienz dieser Fahrzeuge im Kampf glauben. The 105 LeFH18B2 with 410 average damage for it’s HE round and 350 damage for it’s HEAT round does not have a huge damage per shot, but instead makes up for it with it’s great rate of fire. We have a number of affiliated clans on the NA, EU, and ASIA servers for all levels of game experience. 1Welche arty ist am besten Mir kommt es dabei auf dmg schussmin und genauigkeit an 2Brauch man bei arty berhaupt durschlagskraftPSIch hab ne KV Lohnt sich dann However, once you're exposed to mid and high tier artillery, that all changes and you'll get a glimpse at what this class truly has to offer. Jagdpanzer IV. Fast niemand verschwendet viel Zeit an die Spieler zu denken, die sich mit Tier II und Tier III SFLs durchschlagen. Know Your Role and Shut Your Hatch. Between seeing a target and the shell impact there is still easily 30-45 seconds of aiming, reloading and flight time. Egal ob ihr nun ein neuer Spieler seid, der die Arties meistern will. Finally, search google for arty guides. The SU-18, SU-26 and SU-5 (tiers II, III and IV) have a striking distance of about 600 meters, which makes it necessary to constantly move forward in order to reach the far end of the map. The Brittish line up seems to be the best choice as far as reload, accuracy and damage. Best Tanks in Tier 1 Renault … At tier 4 and below tanks die too fast once they are spotted, so artillery doesn't get to do much - you might get lucky and one shot somebody, but that's about it. Eigentlich wollte ich auf die Su130PM warten, allerdings habe ich den Skorpion G schon, weshalb sich die Frage stellt ob sich dann die SU überhaupt lohnt. Aktuell hat mir das Ding wieder einmal gute Dienste geleistet entspannt auf Rang 7 im Ranked Modus zu … Viele messen diesen weniger Beachtung bei weil deren Spielweise zu simpel erscheint, und die meisten nicht an die Effizienz dieser Fahrzeuge im Kampf glauben. This map has 3 key locations located in the center of the map that are crucial to obtaining map control but at the same time require one another to prevent being flanked.https://wotguru.com/map-strategy-abbey/ Also, while rammers are nice, gun laying drive is also of tremendous help to artillery. Recommend a tier … And with low hp tanks i wasn’t precise – I meant no-threat tanks which focusing makes arty burden to team. This is better accuracy than a standard KV-2 running the 152mm, and the best accuracy in tier for SPGs. Heute ist ja der Sommua SM im Adventskalender. Second factor – learning capabilities. I am currently going through the German SPG tree. Then click on win rate once or twice to sort high low or low high PS. World of Tanks is a PvP MMO game created by international game developer Wargaming. There is no bigger turn off than a stinky tier 7 tank you play that can‘t do anything to its contemporaries. Amerikanische artys haben eher die große gun. Man kann ganze Vorstöße damit stoppen, ein immenser Vorteil gerade im CW. It is armed with the mighty 15 cm s.I.G. Tier 2: Best Tank: Pz.Kpfw. Die Auswahl einer anderen Region kann die Inhalte der Website beeinflussen. Wir hoffen dieses Video wird euch helfen euer Spiel zu verbessern, und dass ihr ab sofort mehr Spaß mit den niedrigstufigen Artilleriefahrzeugen haben werdet. Wir erklären alle Zusammenhänge Schritt für Schritt und für alle Fahrzeuge der Tiers II und III. In Wirklichkeit spielen sich die niedrigstufigen Artilleriefahrzeuge ganz anders als ihre hochstufigen Gegenspieler und erfordern etwas Einübung, um diese zu beherrschen. More so than the french. So, we have put together a list of the best tanks within each tier so that you can transition to Blitz smoothly and begin winning matches straight away. Legt los und lasst Verderben vom Himmel regnen, Kommandanten! The tips I suggest are mostly the same as the ones your friend gave you. However, Superheavy Spall Liners prove the most effective against stun as they absorb explosive damage better. Wenn SFLs diskutiert werden, sind meistens Artilleriefahrzeuge von Tier IV und höher gemeint. Also you can press "x" to lock your hull making it easier to aim and look around at other potential targets. - posted in General Discussion: Im trying to get to 56% Im almost there but I just wanna play low tiers for now. Besonders neue Spieler, die ihre ersten Gehversuche mit Selbstfahrlafetten machen, werden feststellen, dass die frühen Artilleriefahrzeuge recht anspruchsvoll sein können. Achtung! Basically, once you're able to get into tier 5 matches and above - your arty will have some more reliable targets to go for. And tier doesn’t make difference, I don’t see Maus more targeted by spg players. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Tier: I: Tank name: Leichttraktor: Global win percentage: 50,7%: Global WN8: 564: Best feature(s) View range, stock gun: Worst feature(s) Somewhat weak armor: Performance analysis - Leichttraktor has the best stock gun of any Tier I tanks and is, therefore, the easiest to do well in from the get-go.Its armor is nothing to boast about, even at tier I, but it can bounce some stray autocannon shells. This gives you plenty of time to allow the gun to aim. Press J to jump to the feed. people may love the pz ii j but their gun and speed are not relevant in game, plus you have to use all apcr and go broke Edited by acrisis, 21 June 2016 - 10:36 AM. First order of buisness is to learn the maps. In general your equipment should be camo net, GLD, rammer. Low tier Russian SPGs have shorter range that their German and American counterparts. Lets put it this way - if you're serious about taking the arty line down to top tiers, save up some silver and buy GLD & gun rammer, and move that equipment along as you move up in tiers. 10 months ago. A friend of mine already suggested to train my entire crew to 100% and fit a arty gun rammer but this just feels like a minor improvement. Best Low Tier Sealclubbing Tank? Fast niemand verschwendet viel Zeit an die Spieler zu denken, die sich mit Tier II und Tier III SFLs durchschlagen. 261. 3 Antworten Vom Fragesteller als hilfreich ausgezeichnet Magelwagi 28.07.2015, 14:29. Wenn SFLs diskutiert werden, sind meistens Artilleriefahrzeuge von Tier IV und höher gemeint. Ich persönlich habe keine High.Tier Arty, aber aufgrund von CW-Teilnahmen und Erlebnissen in Gefechten würde ich dir die Russischen Arty´s empfehlen. Deshalb wollen wir euch mit einem Anleitungs-Video aushelfen! Welche Reihe die beste ist kann man schwer sagen. Take up a safe fighting position , such as at the extreme corner of the map, hide inside a thick bush, behind a hill, on low ground (such as in a crater), behind your flag, or simply behind the defensive barrier formed by your team, and away from enemy eyes. Because of this I can barely get any damage done in a game. This gun is very forgiving, supported by its low reload timer and relatively good accuracy. The .74 accuracy is not great for a normal tank but overal… I'd go American all the way. To help with the damage-per-minute, one of the first modules you should consider researching and upgrading is the Experimental 57 mm Tank Gun Shin. This might mean that you have to pick between which flank to support. The T9 and T10 artillery pieces are very fast indeed, able to relocate to newly freed locations on the map and continue to support their allies from unexpected firing angles and get closer to the battle to compensate for their low-velocity shells. Der betrachtete Nachrichtenartikel hat das alte Websiteformat. arty, light, med oder HT? Not sure if you are aware of this but arty got nerfed hard two updates ago (8.6?). 33 L/11. You will discover a new world in your favorite game. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the WorldofTanks community. Low tier artillery probably won't seem much at first. II (Germany) Why The Tank is the Best for Tier 2: One of the best features of this tier 2 tank is that it shows off the highest penetrating auto-cannon in its tier. Kinda hard to describe those details in text. The downside is their range is small so you have to follow your team around to get kills like you do in the tier 2s. was spielst du denn lieber? Conclusion Playing the Arty is definitely worth it, even if you have not tried it before. The most accurate artillery in its tier – 0.76 of dispersion; Aim time – 4.5 seconds; Mountable ventilation; Tier III. The American M41 and M12 are the best artillery so far for me. By that I mean you need to learn where allied and enemy fronts meet most of the time, once you figure those out, you need to figure out the best position to move to so you have a shot at enemies that are hiding in cover. As already mentioned, but I'll reiterate, pre-aim the vicinity of where enemies should pop up, then look for camping stationary tanks - most of the time these will be heavies or TDs - that's your main source of food. The ConqGC is the most broken thing ever to exist in WoT. Cookies help us deliver our Services. In Wirklichkeit spielen sich die niedrigstufigen Artilleriefa… America and Russia had some of the better arty choices for me. For example, there are no artillery vehicles and a lot of the popular tanks from the main game are absent or not as effective in Blitz. I am going up both trees and while the Germans can literally pinpoint a shot, they do less damage up until the Hummel and their range and ammo count is way worse. For consumables, you'll want a repair kit, a med kit and if you have an option get a performance booster (like high octane gasoline or similar). Select Tier 3. I would say the tier 10 arty with the most balanced arc, is the Obj. With a base rate of fire of 6.45 per minute the 105 LeFh18B2 can crank out shells at a “just right” speed allowing you to place shots where you want and to pin tanks down with many shells. We're Redditors with a passion for gaming, tanks, and everything in between! A humble light tank such as the Panzer II Luchs (tier III) can easily kill the Object 212 (tier 7 arty) at close distance. The german tree for me at least felt very sluggish, it had great damage but the reload times were horrible. there are some fundamental problems with low tier arty after the nerfs that came in 8.6. World of Tanks Best Artillery: Top rated, SPGs, Tips, Tricks, and more Ramzi Musa Support your fellow team and rain down on the opposition, with these top picks for this deadly tank class. Or, it’s more like, it doesn’t work really well at all . Then Add a Gun Rammer, A gun laying drive, and vent. Arty desperately needs a rework, but this is WG… and we all know how they work. Bei einigen Browserversionen können Darstellungsprobleme auftreten. I am now grinding the Sturmpanzer II, and I notice that I'm having trouble getting any damage done. Recommend J1mbo's reticule mod or another mod that gives you shell travel time. Britische haben kleinere gun, dafür kürzeren Reload. Another thing that is just plain stupid, is the artillery arc. First order of buisness is to learn the maps. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. This Tier 1 tank is the Chinese version of France’s Renault FT. Third factor – capabili… There's some good ones that show how and where to aim to make sure your shots aren't over shooting as often. SPGs like M40 / M43 and M53 / M55 are considered best on their tier level. The pe… Point your hull towards likely enemy positions. Best Tier III Artillery – Sturmpanzer I Bison. Hi, sorry to hear you're having problems with low tier arty. Zuschlagen? Die Conq ist aktuell die beste T10 Arty, alleine der massive Splash Radius an den keine andere Arty rankommt in Verbindung mit der Möglichkeit Schüsse da zu landen, wo keine andere Arty hinschießen kann. Coming in at number five on our list of best Tier 1 tanks in World of Tanks is the Chinese Renault NC-31. Those are two most useful things you can get on arty. Starting off our list of the 7 best Tier 4 tanks is the Type 5 Ke-Ho, a Japanese Light tank known for its small stature and agile handling. By that I mean you need to learn where allied and enemy fronts meet most of the time, once you figure those out, you need to figure out the best position to move to so you have a shot at enemies that are hiding in cover. Along with a vehicle’s armor, which partially helps absorb the damage and thus lower the stun duration, the negative impact of arty can be minimized further with Spall Liners and Large First Aid Kits: Spall Liners (all types) reduce the duration by 10%. Further, like corner to corner, I get near 4 seconds with some arties. Until you become extremely proficient at arty, hitting moving targets should be low priority. While parked inside the barn. Way more range, traverse, and better engines. Come join the conversation! Once you reach tier V (SU-8) however, the range is sufficient enough for you to camp back at base. Um die übersetzten Untertitel einzuschalten, klickt auf den Knopf mit der Aufschrift „CC“ in der YouTube-Leiste unter dem Video und wählt eure bevorzugte Sprache aus. Make your decision based on enemy team composition, check what they have the most of (heavies/tds/meds/etc), for example if they get a lot of heavies - move to take shots on the flank where heavies typically go. Crew to 100% and then train them in the appropriate skills. if you are going to do the mission for campaign 2, then you need all lines. Und selbstverständlich erklären wir auch, wie ihr euer Fahrzeug am effizientesten einsetzt, um möglichst viel Schaden mit euren Granaten auszuteilen. This means anticipating where the enemy will appear once a scout gets lights. Within this game, there are some changes that you need to be mindful of. WoT Premiumpanzer Tier 8? Definitely locking your hull so that you don't rotate every time you hit the edge of your gun traverse range. Franzosen sind auch sehr stark, ich finde sogar die Stufe 10er bat. I meant any tier behemoths low tier like KV-1, mid tier Churchill VII, BP and high tier E-75, ST-I, E-100, Maus, FV 183, JPzE100 etc. They are also some of the best artillery at defending themselves and make decent emergency TDs. (tiers 1-4 simply don't have enough hp and armor to allow for arty to do significant impact on encamped enemies). The Ke-Ho features a small turret, making firing positions from behind structures ideal, especially given the Type 5’s lack of armor. At mid distance, you can expect 2-3 seconds between firing and landing. The key though is to point your hull ahead of the direction the enemy is moving. (tiers 1-4 simply don't have enough hp and armor to allow for arty to do significant impact on encamped enemies). Most arty can not hit the broad side of a barn. Zu den größten Vorteilen des Jagdpanzer IV zählen der fantastische Tarnwert und der furchterregende Schaden pro Minute mit dem 8,8-cm-Geschütz.. Wenn ihr euch diesen Zweig hinaufspielt, ändert sich die Spielweise von Scharfschütze zu einem aggressiveren Stil. Abbey is a smaller map that is decided very quickly which team will have the upper hand. Wenn ihr eure Fertigkeiten als Scharfschütze austesten wollt, ist dieser Panzer eine gute Wahl. With a skilled crew and equipment, a player can expect to have an under 22-second reload time, the best in tier for Artillery, and 0.58 accuracy without food (0.62 originally). Their guns don't stand out and they'll easily be the least-flexlible class available; with no turrets and limited traverse speed and mobility. These make Aiming and moving much easier. If you want arty that actually hits what its aiming at, try the tier 5 and 6 British. Weitere Antworten zeigen Ähnliche Fragen. First of, we need to note that the main judging factor about whether or not a tree is beginner-viable is the grind or let‘s call it tank effectiveness. Oder ob ihr ein World of Tanks-Veteran seid, der einfach nur vergessen hat, wie spaßig Schlachten mit den niedrigstufigen Artilleriefahrzeugen sein können: Dieses Tutorial ist genau das Richtige für euch! WOT; World of Tanks (World of Tanks) welcher Arty Pfad ist der beste? Beachtet bitte, dass das Video in Englisch ist. Will appear once a scout gets lights Redditors with a passion for gaming, Tanks, vent. 'M having trouble getting any damage done tree for me Vorteil gerade im CW focusing arty... Rammers are nice, gun laying drive is also of tremendous help to artillery forgiving, supported its! Side of a barn key though is to point your hull ahead of best. Updates ago ( 8.6? ) accuracy and damage besonders neue Spieler die... Of best tier 1 Tanks in World of Tanks ) welcher arty Pfad ist der beste, um viel... 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