Ships. Le 29, le convoi se divise, six navires se dirigent vers Archangelsk , tandis que les autres accostent à Mourmansk[5]. Convoy PQ-17 (BOX) [Region 2] (IMPORT) (Keine deutsche Version) Polnische Ausgabe, Cover kann polnischen Markierungen enthalten. Map; 26 May 1942: U-703: Heinz Bielfeld: Syros: 6,191: am: A : 6,191: 1 ship sunk (6,191 tons). PQ 17 was the code name for an Allied Second World War convoy in the Arctic Ocean.In July 1942, the Arctic convoys suffered a significant defeat when Convoy PQ 17 lost 24 of its 35 merchant ships during a series of heavy enemy daylight attacks which lasted a week. Convoy PQ 18 Arctic Ocean Convoy PQ 16 Murmansk Convoy PQ 17. In The Year of Stalingrad (1946) the British war correspondent Alexander Werth described his participation in Convoy PQ 16 on SS Empire Baffin, which was bombed but reached Murmansk under its own power. Convoy PQ 16 was an Arctic convoy sent from Great Britain by the Western Allies to aid the Soviet Union during the Second World War.It sailed on 25 May 1942, reaching the Soviet northern ports on 30 May after five days of air attacks that left seven ships sunk and three damaged; 25 of the ships arrived safely. It sailed in May 1942, reaching the Soviet northern ports after five days of air attacks that left eight ships sunk and two damaged.… The convoy was heavily defended, but fearing an imminent attack by substantial German surface forces, the Admiralty made the decision to disperse the convoy. Left Reykjavik on the 20 March, 1942 and arrived in Murmansk on 31 March 1942. Convoy PQ 18 Arctic Ocean Convoy PQ 16 Murmansk Convoy PQ 17. It sailed on 25 May 1942, reaching the Soviet northern ports on 30 May after five days of air attacks that left seven ships sunk and three damaged; 25 of the ships arrived safely. On 16 September U-457 was destroyed by Impulsive, and that afternoon all further U-boat attacks were called off. From May 24 right until May 30, 1942 German aircraft made 245 bomber and torpedo sorties against convoy PQ-16, the largest Russia convoy so far with 30 ships, sinking 5 ships and damaging 4. On 25 May, PQ 16 met its cruiser es­cort, but on the same day was spot­ted by a Focke-Wulf Fw 200 re­co… [8], PQ 16 left Hvalfjord in Iceland on 21 May under the protection of the Local Escort, meeting the Ocean Escort on 23 May. To reach them, the convoys had to travel dangerously near the German occupied Norwegian coastline. 8 convoys on route PQ were hit by U-boats in the war. Le convoi est dirigé par le Commodore N. H. Gale sur l'Ocean Voice. Welcome! Convoy PQ 16 was an Arctic convoy sent from Great Britain by the Western Allies to aid the Soviet Union during the Second World War.It sailed on 25 May 1942, reaching the Soviet northern ports on 30 May after five days of air attacks that left seven ships sunk and three damaged; 25 of the ships arrived safely. Severodvinsk. Convoys supplying the Soviet Union began in August 1941 with PQ-1 and initially saw little German opposition to these Arctic shipments. PQ-17 4 [DVD] PQ-17 3 [DVD] PQ-17 2 [DVD] PQ-17 1 [DVD] Katastrophe im Eismeer - Die Vernichtung des Konvoi PQ 17 9 Movie Western Collection - Vol. Close escort was provided by a force led by Cdr.AB Russell, in the destroyer Malcolm. At this time of the year the con­voy would be op­er­at­ing in the pe­riod of per­pet­ual day­lightof the Arc­tic sum­mer; this less­ened the ef­fec­tive­ness of U-boat at­tack, but make round-the-clock air at­tack more likely. A PQ kód azt jelentette, hogy a rakomány nyugatról tart a Szovjetunióba, a 16 a sorszámát jelöli. [3], By late 1941, the convoy system used in the Atlantic had been established on the Arctic run; a convoy commodore ensured that the ships' masters and signals officers attended a briefing before sailing to make arrangements for the management of the convoy, which sailed in a formation of long rows of short columns. RG Onslow) and consisted of the destroyers ORP Garland, HMS Volunteer, Achates, and Martin, the anti-aircraft ship HMS Alynbank, four Flower-class corvettes, one minesweeper and four trawlers. Convoys supplying the Soviet Union began in August 1941 with PQ-1 and initially saw little German opposition to these Arctic shipments. The Admiralty sent details of Luftwaffe wireless frequencies, call signs and the daily local codes to the computers. The commodore was assisted by a Naval signals party of four men, who used lamps, semaphore flags and telescopes to pass signals, coded from books carried in a bag, weighted to be dumped overboard. Les Alliés cherchaient à ravitailler l'URSS qui combattait leur ennemi commun, le Troisième Reich. L'escorte est composée du dragueur de mine Gossamer et de cinq baleiniers. Convoy PQ 14 was an Arctic convoy sent from Great Britain by the Western Allies to aid the Soviet Union during World War II. Ce soir-là, la Luftwaffe commence des attaques qui se sont poursuivies pendant les cinq jours suivants, jusqu'à ce que le convoi soit à portée de la couverture des chasseurs soviétiques. ; Please sign and date your posts by typing four tildes ( ~~~~). 25 ships arrived safely. However, by PQ-16 in May 1942, German resistance had dramatically increased. Convoy PQ 12 was an Arctic convoy sent from Great Britain by the Western Allies to aid the Soviet Union during World War II. [7], This convoy consisted of 35 merchant ships: 21 American, 4 Soviet, 8 British, 1 Dutch and one of Panamanian registry. Read more about them. Ils sont rejoints le 5 mars par deux destroyers, le HMS Oribi et le HMS Offa, et par un croiseur, le HMS Kenya. It also had one auxiliary vessel, the CAM ship SS Empire Lawrence. This was joined on 28 April by the ocean escort, giving the convoy an immediate total escort of 12 warships. 01:30 March 13: East/northeasterly gale - convoy hove to at daylight. PQ-17 leaving Hvalfjordur, Iceland. The Convoy: 45 ships: First sighting: On 12 Sep 1942; Escorts: Destroyers Achates, Malcolm AA ships Alynbank, Ulster Queen two submarines, four corvettes, three minesweepers and four trawlers. PQ-13 was a British Arctic convoy which delivered war supplies from the Western Allies to the USSR during World War II. Un navire est endommagé et forcé de revenir sous escorte ; le 26 mai, toutes les attaques aériennes sont repoussées mais le cargo américain Syros est torpillé par l'U-Boot U-703. Towed back to Iceland by, Sunk by aircraft. That evening the Luftwaffe began attacks which continued for the next five days, until the convoy was in range of Soviet fighter cover. Seven ships arrived safely. The force comprised two other destroyers Achates and Amazon, two anti-aircraft "gunships", four Flower-class corvettes, four A/S trawlers and three minesweepers.The escort was supported by a Carrier group (the escort carrier Avenger and her accomp… The convoy was escorted by two minesweepers, joined by an Ocean escort of two destroyers Matabele and Somali, supported by the cruiser Trinidad.The convoy was joined in the last stage of the voyage by two Royal Navy minesweepers based at Murmansk. Click here to start a new topic. A motley of British, Allied and neutral shipping loaded with military stores and raw materials for the Soviet war effort would be assembled at Hvalfjordur, Iceland, convenient for ships from both sides of the Atlantic. Seven ships arrived safely. Il y a deux groupes de soutien : une Cruiser Cover Force (Force de couverture) dirigée par le R.Adm. was an Arctic convoy sent from Great Britain by the Western Allies to aid the Soviet Union during World War II. ; New to Wikipedia? À cette époque de l'année, le convoi doit opérer sous le soleil de minuit de l'été arctique, ce qui réduit l'efficacité des attaques par les U-boote mais rendent plus probable une attaque aérienne 24 heures sur 24. Le 28 mai, le convoi est rejoint par l'Eastern Local escort (escorte locale de l'Est); trois destroyers soviétiques et quatre dragueurs de mines. On 1 February 1942, the Enigma machines used in U-boats in the Atlantic and Mediterranean were changed but German ships and the U-boats in Arctic waters continued with the older Heimish (Hyrda from 1942, Dolphin to the British). Legend We have a picture of this vessel. Convoy PQ 13 cruising order, escorts, ships sunk, reports. A database of the mercantile vessels that sailed in the PQ convoys series from the Arnold Hague convoy database. Le convoi PQ 12 est constitué de 16 navires sous le commandement du Commodore HT Hudson. Convoy PQ 14 was an Arctic convoy sent from Great Britain by the Western Allies to aid the Soviet Union during World War II.It sailed in April 1942, reaching Murmansk after air and U-boat attacks that sank one ship, and ice damage that saw 16 vessels returned to port. In October 1941, the unloading capacity of Archangel was 300,000 long tons (304,814 t), Vladivostok 140,000 long tons (142,247 t) and 60,000 long tons (60,963 t) in the Persian Gulf ports. PQ 12 consisted of 16 ships under the command of Commodore HT Hudson. In large convoys, the commodore was assisted by vice- and rear-commodores who directed the speed, course and zig-zagging of the merchant ships and liaised with the escort commander. Convoy PQ 16 was an Arctic convoy sent from Great Britain by the Western Allies to aid the Soviet Union during the Second World War. Dans The Year of Stalingrad (1946) (L'année de Stalingrad), le correspondant de guerre britannique Alexander Werth a décrit sa participation au convoi PQ 16 sur le SS Empire Baffin, qui a été bombardé mais a atteint Mourmansk par ses propres moyens. By mid-1941, British Y-stations were able to receive and read Luftwaffe W/T transmissions and give advance warning of Luftwaffe operations. Five destroyers, four trawlers, four corvettes, and a minesweeper along with a CAM (Catapult Aircraft Merchantman), equipped with a Sea Hurricane fighter plane were to protect the convoy. 07:30 March 14: Convoy reformed. Return to convoy information - convoy battles page. notes (not sure who the author was, possibly Commodore or Vice Commodore, or Senior Officer of escort? The convoy was subject to attack by German air, U-boat and surface forces and suffered the loss of five ships, plus one escort vessel. Site Map | Search | Merchant Fleet Main Page | Home : CONVOY PQ 13 . The commodore was usually a retired naval officer, aboard a ship identified by a white pendant with a blue cross. Le convoi fut un tel succès en termes de livraison de matériel de guerre que les Allemands firent de plus grands efforts pour perturber les convois suivants. Later the same day Burnett with Scylla and the destroyer escort, with Avenger ' s group, detached to meet and escort the returning convoy QP 14, while PQ 18 continued with its close escort. Les Alliés cherchaient à ravitailler l'URSSqui combattait leur ennemi commun, le Troisième Reich. Full listings of ships and escorts are given for each convoy … When the Wehrmacht smashed into the Soviet Union in June 1941 Russia and Britain found themselves in alliance against Germany. Date U-boat Commander Name of ship Tons Nat. Dieser Artikel hat KEINE Deutsche Sprache und Untertitel. PQ 12 consisted of 16 ships under the command of Commodore HT Hudson. … The Close Escort comprised the minesweeper Gossamer and five whalers. Carried a catapult and one. There were two support groups; a Cruiser Cover Force led by R.Adm. PQ-13 was a British Arctic convoy which delivered war supplies from the Western Allies to the USSR during World War II, commanded by Commodore D.A. Convoy PQ 16 was an Arctic convoy sent from Great Britain by the Western Allies to aid the Soviet Union during the Second World War. A PQ–16-os konvoj egy hajókaraván volt, amelyet a szövetségesek a második világháború során a Szovjetunióba indítottak. 25 ships arrived safely. Les navires de transport lourd du convoi PQ 16, dont le SS Empire Elgar, restèrent à Archangelsk et Molotovsk à décharger les navires pendant plus de 14 mois. The first convoy was due at Murmansk around 12 October and the next convoy was to depart Iceland on 22 October. The Heavy Lift Ships from Convoy PQ 16 including stayed at Archangelsk and Molotovsk unloading ships for over 14 months. It also in­creased the chance of early de­tec­tion by Ger­man re­con­nais­sance air­craft. Convoy PQ 16 was an Arctic convoy sent from Great Britain by the Western Allies to aid the Soviet Union during the Second World War. Les convois de l'Arctique, organisés de 1941 à 1945, avaient pour destination le port d'Arkhangelsk, l'été, et Mourmansk, l'hiver, via l'Islande et l'océan Arctique, effectuant un voyage périlleux dans des eaux parmi les plus hostiles du monde. The Heavy Lift Ships from Convoy PQ 16 including stayed at Archangelsk and Molotovsk unloading ships for over 14 months. Convoy PQ 17 was the penultimate of the PQ/QP series of arctic convoys, bound from British ports through the Arctic Ocean via Reykjavík to the White Sea ports of the Soviet Union, particularly Murmansk and Archangel. PQ 18 war die Bezeichnung eines alliierten Nordmeergeleitzuges, der im September 1942 Nachschub für die Rote Armee von Island und Schottland nach Archangelsk durch das Nordmeer transportierte. Le convoi PQ 18, composé de 40 bâtiments lourdement chargés, quitte Loch Ewe, en Écosse, le 2 septembre 1942, sous la protection d'une cinquantaine navires d'escorte, dont le porte-avions d'escorte HMS Avenger — qui est le navire de ce type à accompagner un convoi de l'Arctique — et deux croiseurs antiaériens [1].. The Heavy Lift Ships from Convoy PQ 16 including SS Empire Elgar stayed at Archangelsk and Molotovsk unloading ships for over 14 months. That evening two more ships were sunk, and another damaged., Convoi arctique de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, Wikipédia:ébauche Seconde Guerre mondiale, Portail:Seconde Guerre mondiale/Articles liés, Portail:Époque contemporaine/Articles liés, licence Creative Commons attribution, partage dans les mêmes conditions, comment citer les auteurs et mentionner la licence, Dommages causés par des accidents évités de justesse. Malgré les pertes, la majorité des navires du convoi PQ 16 sont arrivés, la plupart à Mourmansk (30 mai 1942) et huit navires à Archangelsk (1er juin 1942). It sailed on 25 May 1942, reaching the Soviet northern ports on 30 May after five days of air attacks that left seven ships sunk and three damaged; 25 of the ships arrived safely. Return to convoy information - convoy battles page. selon les recommandations des projets correspondants. Deux forces maritimes britanniques se trouvent dans la zone. 25 ships arrived safely. Convoy PQ 15 was an Arctic convoy sent from Iceland by the Western Allies to aid the Soviet … Dommages causés par des accidents évités de justesse. Convoy PQ 16 was an Arctic convoy sent from Great Britain by the Western Allies to aid the Soviet Union during the Second World War. By 27 May the air attacks began to break through; three ships were sunk and another damaged around mid-day; another sunk and one damaged in mid-afternoon. [6] In February 1942, the German Beobachtungsdienst (B-Dienst, Observation Service) of the Kriegsmarine Marinenachrichtendienst (MND, Naval Intelligence Service) broke Naval Cypher No 3 and was able to read it until January 1943. Le soir même, deux autres navires sont coulés et un autre endommagé. PQ-17 disembarks from Iceland. Full listings of ships and escorts are given for each convoy … JEH McBeath who took over as SOE, and Offa, supported by the cruiser Kenya.