By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie Policy, Privacy Policy, and our Terms of Service. Turn on the external monitor. The problem could be behind the screen or … Troubleshooting. - edited If you happen to have one of these monitors and you’re seeing this single white line, unplug your monitor. Some issue with the connection would most likely screw up several lines and/or the whole image and it won't be isolated to exactly one line (especially with digital connections). 11:31 PM Strange white box on bottom right corner of screen when waking from sleep Hello, I noticed a very strange phenomenon happening on my computer in the last couple weeks, in that whenever I wake it from sleep, a small white rectangle appears on the bottom right corner of my screen, just above the taskbar. Those shouldn't be isolated to a single line. How many pixels in height is it? I recommend you use the full screen gestures. Stack Exchange network consists of 176 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. - edited Sounds like a hardware issue with the monitor (or more specific, the built in LCD panel; in short: time to buy a new one). Posted by 1 year ago. SamsungAdam, I just got the phone and the same thing happens. So the bottom of my monitor display is cut off. It started off about 1mm wide but is gradually increasing in width and is now about 4mm wide. Ecclesiastical Latin pronunciation of "excelsis": /e/ or /ɛ/? If so, how do they cope with it? level 1. Broken Monitor. My AOC N941Sw monitor is suddenly showing a thin horizontal white line near the center of the screen. There is a white line or flickering line on the top or right and left edges of the TV screen. Any assistance would be great. hey guys, i have lenovo g40-45, and this morning i found my laptop screen got a thin white horizontal line on it, and when i look closer, ... Connect an external monitor to the laptop. I recommend connecting your laptop to an external monitor via a VGA cable and the VGA port of your laptop. 4 comments. What events caused this debris in highly elliptical orbits. Can you see any additional patterns or "waves" that don't fit to what you see in other areas of the screen? There is no problem on an external monitor when connected. Try to twist the screen a little, it helps sometimes. Don't push too hard, just so there's some pressure (typically shows some short colored trail that should disappear within 1-2 seconds). How to avoid boats on a mainly oceanic world? Archived. This has been going on for about a week. It has nothing to do with screen resolution btw. You know how sad it is when you even can't afford for screen replacement there is not solution unless you changed the screen 0 Likes Share. Is there a way to fix this? My AOC N941Sw monitor is suddenly showing a thin horizontal white line near the center of the screen. best. HTML; 4 Comments. How can one plan structures and fortifications in advance to help regaining control over their city walls? When I move the cursor, the line appears above the cursor. Hello everyone, Not sure if this is the proper forum to post about this, but I've recently noticed a blinking white line appearing on the bottom row of pixels of my LCD. Hope this helps. The only resolution that doesn't is 1280x1024 for some reason. I tried disabling add-ons and installing a fresh copy. This could be some extreme case of stuck/dead pixels (i.e. Why did the scene cut away without showing Ocean's reply. White flashing dot on top of A71 screen during voice, whatsapp voice msgs and during music. My laptop is ASUS X551M. Dunno what the others are seeing. (alternative method: re-starting your computer) The white line distorts the images. Log in or sign up to leave a comment Log In Sign Up. Only way to resolve this matter is to restart the machine. Sort by. - 3571729 If the external monitor is showing the same issues, you have having problems with the GPU on the logic board and will have to at... - Asus X55C It is in constant position. So this annoying white line appeared at the bottom of my google chrome. There are times the entire image below the horizontal white line flickers and move up and down. Reply. share. I have a flashing line on the bottom of my task bar, an ever since that showed up, my computer isn't acting right. Is there any way I could fix it? When this happens, I just turn off the monitor then the flicker goes away but the white horizontal line is still there. sometimes this line shows a portion of the upper screen. The white is, well, persistent. Building algebraic geometry without prime ideals. Best way to let people know you aren't dead, just taking pictures? Do PhD students sometimes abandon their original research idea? 02:23 AM It is at just above the bottom of the screen. If you get the same white line on the new monitor, it is the computer. Generation of restricted increasing integer sequences. I booted into safe mode and the white bar is still there. How do EMH proponents explain Black Monday (1987)? This problem occurs because of a hardware limitation that is known as "tearing." This is samsung engineering problem i haven't drop my phone or anything but the white bar at the bottom of the screen is just popped up. This happens only maximised and opened on one of the screen. How to Fix Vertical Lines on the Computer Screen. Reply. It happened yesterday. This just happened yesterday when I was browsing the internet. The line is at the very bottom of the screen, immediately above the even thinner line at screen bottom when the task bar is hiding. is it with the hardware? Thanks, ‎04-20-2020 rev 2020.12.2.38106, The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Super User works best with JavaScript enabled, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site, Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, Learn more about hiring developers or posting ads with us. All are affected the same way. Tearing is a video artifact in which the top portion of the screen shows a different frame of video than the bottom portion. why have a white line at bottom IE. 4. I tried loading a different file, restarting the game, etc. I cannot watch films or videos, do any work without this line disturbing the screen, it is really annoying and unpleasant. I tried checking the cables for loose connection and dust particles but the white line is still here. report. What is the cause of a horizontal white line on an LCD monitor? It’s time for an upgrade. Close. by Turning off/disabling white flickering line on LCD monitor, Thin black horizontal line across top of screen, Horizontal pixelated lines on my Laptop LCD screen. How to professionally oppose a potential hire that management asked for an opinion on based on prior work experience? Modern computer monitors, typically LCD displays, offer high-definition images and a sleek form factor. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. Please suggest any free method to fix it. Can you identify anything unique about when the flickering occurs, like movement or heat? ... Also notice that onthe left bottom corner theres is a white color onthe bottom display . Horizontal line at the bottom of my screen -Inspiron 15 3567 Hello I have a bought an Inspiron 15; one year ago, and a thick line (several pixels) has appear at the bottom of my screen. 04:07 PM. Troubleshooting. Theres a small white bar at the bottom of my screen it shows in discord and most of my fullscreen games how do I remove it? ... the bottom of my screen is white in a exactly half: Question My asus laptop screen went white after playing games: Why do most Christians eat pork when Deuteronomy says not to? ‎10-26-2019 AcerView 54E 15" CRT Monitor Hi there. 3. This is more noticeable during scenes that contain fast motion. Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type. so I just noticed this super thin and faint white line going across the top of my monitor this happened to my last monitor so i assume it's some sort of defect (although I had that monitor for like 4 years at that point, this one isn't even a year old) i've already tried rebooting my monitor… Connect an external monitor. What you could try (this won't necessarily help because we simply don't know what caused the actual issue in the first place): Turn off the monitor, disconnect all cables, and put it flat on your table (screen up) so it's sitting plane on the table. the movement does not occur occasionally. How is time measured when a player is late? Does your organization need a developer evangelist? So yeah, the lines are only at the bottom of the screen, and are more noticeable when I minimise a programme (e.g internet explorer). Who first called natural satellites "moons"? A small horizontal white line appears on my laptop. It only takes a minute to sign up. You know how sad it is when you even can't afford for screen replacement there is not solution unless you changed the screen , this is just changing the navigation bar the white bar at the bottom is some screen damage, it's not that I already have full screen gestures on, @usernrdTbZpi55 Please test the phone in Safe Mode and let me know if the white bar still appears.