But how to download them? Chola architecture represents a high watermark in the evolution of temple architecture. “The ideal solution of depleting ground water resources in India is water harvesting system.” How can it be made effective in urban areas? Q. Frequent questions are on Modern Indian History. Also, a balanced study plan is a must to be able to beat the unpredictability of UPSC Prelims Subject wise marks weightage. “A well-motivated Italian invasion of Abyssinia (Ethiopia) in October 1935 demonstrated the ineffectiveness of the League.” Comment. [20 Marks], “Mazzini’s conception of Italian nationality was not exclusive and his dominant ideal was the recreation of moral unity of mankind.” Critically examine. How did it deal a final blow to Britain’s self-image as a world power? What was “New” in “The New imperialism”? What problems were germane to the decolonization process of Malay Peninsula. [20 Marks]. Evaluate. [1984, 20 Marks], “Comparison of the fascist regime in Italy with the National Socialist regime of Germany is almost inevitable. “Even though ideas and institutions undoubtedly shaped the events of 1848, it was economic misery and the fear thereof that triggered them.” Analyse this statement. Q. 46 : CDS 2021-I Home; About Us . India's number one portal for History Optional, Click here to get enrolled to access previous years solved papers, Major ideas of Enlightenment: Kant, Rousseau and Spread of Enlightenment in the colonies, “Rousseau’s political philosophy contains the seeds of Socialism, Absolutism and Democracy.” Comment. Trace the growth of Arab nationalism after the First World War. “All who have served the Revolution have ploughed the sea”. Download UPSC Prelims 2020 GS Paper 1 Answer Key . [30 Marks]. The life cycle of a joint family depends on economic factors rather than social values. [20 Marks], “NATO in many ways symbolized the key role that the United States had come to play in Europe.” Comment. hubs has opened up new avenues employment but has also created new problems. [60 Marks], “Arab nationalism and oil – these were the principal Factors in complicating the relations of Middle Eastern countries with the outside world.” Comment. [20 Marks], What is Metternich system? (15m,250 words). To what extent was the Paris Peace Settlement shaped by the principle of self-determination? Elucidate. 268 : Mains-2021, © Copyright 2009-2019 Mrunal Patel, Gujarat, India | All Rights Reserved, [Download] Topicwise UPSC Mains General Studies Paper-1 (GSM1): since new Syllabus of 2013 to latest 2019, “[Download] Topicwise UPSC Mains General Studies Paper-1 (GSM1): since new Syllabus of 2013 to latest 2019”. Selective study of IGNOU MA (PubAD) Material (. “The Washington Conference temporarily ironed out differences among the powers over the Far Eastern Question but unwittingly it increased the power of Japan in the Far East.” Elaborate. “Conditions in other Western European countries looked more fertile for Revolution, but it happened in France and not in other Western European Countries.” Analyze. ... IAS Prelims Exam: Modern History Questions: Initial years of Mahatma Gandhi. Define blue revolution, explain the problems and strategies for pisciculture development in India. I believe that we must assist free peoples to work out their own destinies in their own way. Calendar; Active Examinations; Forthcoming Examinations; Previous Question Papers; Cut-off Marks; Answer Keys; ... (Preliminary) Examination, … Give suitable examples? [FAQ] How NOT to WASTE 2 HRS DAILY in THEHINDU NEWSPAPERs & its Youtube Summary Videos? Prepare for Modern History subject paper for IAS, UPSC exam. How far do you agree that the behavior of the Indian monsoon has been changing due to humanizing landscapes? [10 Marks]. (A) GENERAL STUDIES PREVIOUS YEARS QUESTION PAPERS (1) Click here for GS Mains Previous Years History Questions (2) Click here for GS Prelims Previous Years History Questions (3) Click here for GS Mains Previous Years Question Papers (4) Click here for GS Prelims Previous Years Question Papers (B) ESSAY PREVIOUS YEARS QUESTION PAPERS (1) Click here for Previous Years … Critically evaluate. [20 Marks], Discuss the circumstances  leading  to  the  Suez  Crisis  of  1956  and  examine  its repercussions on global politics. Discuss the availability of raw material required for the generation of atomic energy in India and in the world. Discussion the various social problems which originated out of the speedy process of urbanization in India. How far do you agree with the view that Spanish ulcer ruined Napoleon Bonaparte? Discuss. Smart cities in India cannot sustain without smart villages. Give reasons with examples for your viewpoint. Visit Mrunal.org/Mains for more on UPSC Mains Answer-writing for General Studies Paper. Explain. In this series we would be covering past 7 years papers <59 questions>. dear sir , what is the amount one have to pay for accessing to the answers? An analysis of previous question papers shows that the questions asked in the prelims exam were moderate to tough in their difficulty level. UPSC Previous Year Question Papers – IAS Exam Question Paper 2013 -2018. To what extent globalization has influenced the core of cultural diversity in India? In what ways did the naval mutiny prove to be the last nail in the coffin of British colonial aspirations in India? ‘Despite implementation of various programmes for eradication of poverty by the government in India, poverty is still existing.’ Explain by giving reasons. As such direct answers were not available for most of the social science questions asked in GSM-2019. (15m,250 words), What is water stress? (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Days Left ”—President Harry Truman. What are the economic significances of discovery of oil in. [20 Marks]. Disintegration of Empires through the emergence of nationalities, “Nominally the new Turkey was republican and democratic.” Comment. American Revolution was an economic revolt against mercantilism. Why was it dismantled? This article has the set of History question paper for UPSC Mains from 2013 to 2019. [20 Marks]. [10 Marks], “The Declaration of Rights was the death-warrant of the system of privilege, and so  of the ancient regime… Yet in the history of ideas it belonged rather to the past than to the future.” Examine. “Caste system is assuming new identities and associational forms. Discuss. Critically examine why it still suffers from water scarcity. Discuss. [2012, 30 Marks], To what extent did Napoleon’s economic war with England become his undoing? (उन्नीसवीं शताब्दी के ‘भारतीय पुनर्जागरण’ और राष्ट्रीय पहचान के मध्य सहलग्नताओं का परिक्षण कीजिए | ) (10m,150 words), Many voices had strengthened and enriched the nationalist movement during the Gandhian phase. [20 Marks], The Industrial Revolution “Changed England in character and culture.” Comment. (महासागर धाराएँ और जल राशियाँ समुद्री जीवन और तटीय पर्यावरण पर अपने प्रभावों में किस-किस प्रकार परस्पर भिन्न हैं ? Comment. [60 Marks], Why did Vietnam go through thirty years of war after the Second World War? “The Cuban Missile Crisis, though lasted for few days, was extremely tensed and had important results.” Elucidate. Further, If you start solving 2013-19’s answers, nature of question is either: 1) Sometimes NCERT is sufficient and only in rare cases, there have been cases where Goh Cheng Leong has helped in enrichment of answers. Tropical cyclones are largely confined to South China Sea, Bay of Bengal and Gulf of Mexico. American Revolution seems to have come with remarkable suddenness. What problems were germane to the decolonization process in Kenya? Explain how the foundations of the modern world were laid by the American and French revolution. “It would be wrong to give the impression that Hitler hung on to power simply by terrorizing the entire nation.” Analyse this statement. Discuss the highlights of the agreement. Here also, solve previous papers from 2013 onwards. Discuss. Please let me know the amount to be paid for accessing the answers of previous years questions. How did the United States seek to resolve the conflict between the Nationalists and the communists in the period? Discuss the changes in the trends of labour migration within and outside India in the last four decades. [60 Marks], “The political unification of Germany was accomplished solely by Bismarck.” Comment. ‘Communalism arises either due to power struggle or relative deprivation. amit narzary. Why is Indian Regional Navigational Satellite System (IRNSS) needed? [60 Marks], Critically examine the various dimensions and phases of the cold war between 1947 and 1962. Assess its impact on Europe. Comment. “Britain not only had to change its attitude, but also had to face French opposition to join European Economic Community (EEC).” Explain. Review the background of the Chartist Movement. Medium difficulty but Multi-statement MCQ का आतंक, yet not too much deviation than to last year [Download] UPSC Prelims 2020 General Studies Paper1: Sorted Topicwise /Subjectwise. [20 Marks], Trace the growth of Arab nationalism after the First World War. [60 Marks], Hitler was “a creature flung to the top by the tides of revolutionary change, or the embodiment of the collective unconsciousness of a people obsessed with violence and death.” Comment. Was February Revolution from above or below, organized or spontaneous? [60 Marks], What were the weaknesses and difficulties of the Weimer Republic? (1940 के दशक के दौरान सत्ता हस्तान्तरण की प्रक्रिया को जटिल बनाने में ब्रिटिश साम्राज्यिक सत्ता की भूमिका का आकलन कीजिए | ) (15m,250 words). [60 Marks], “The Anglo-Japanese Treaty (1902) marks a milestone in the development of Japan as an Asiatic power.” Comment. [20 Marks], “The despotic rulers of Europe were influenced by the philosophy of Enlightenment and begun to follow a benevolent policy towards their subjects.” Critically examine. [60 Marks], How did the policy of appeasement escalate the problem of Nazi aggrandizement? A roster of talented leaders emerged during 1763 to 1775 to make it happen. “The World after Second World War contained the seed of European Unity.” Justify the statement. Growing feeling of regionalism is an important factor in the generation of demand for a separate state. [20 Marks], “Bismarck created a new Germany with the policy of ‘blood and iron’.” Comment. Do you agree with the view that the formation of NATO marked a revolution in American attitude to the world problems? Why? [20 Marks], “The roots of Chartism are partly political and partly economic.” Elaborate. I believe that our help should be primarily through economic and financial aid which is essential to economic stability and orderly political processes. Critically evaluate this comment. “The Treaty of Versailles was merely an armistice for twenty years.” Comment. How does it help in navigation? [2012, 30 Marks], Review the political circumstances in China in the years 1945-49 leading to the establishment of the Communist rule in the land. Comment. [60 Marks], How did the Treaty Port System in China develop between 1840 and 1860? Discuss. “Opposition to apartheid was inside as well as outside Africa.” Explain. [60 Marks], “After World War II, the strategy of the West towards Soviet bloc crystallized as a ‘policy of containment’.” Comment. Highlight the differences in the approach of Subhash Chandra Bose and Mahatma Gandhi in the struggle for freedom. The recent cyclone on the east coast of India was called “Phailin”. “American Revolution was not really a Revolution.” Critically examine. Discuss. “The Security Council is the heart of the United Nations.” Comment. “There were several factors which led to the death of the Chartist Movement, but calling it a complete failure is not justified.” Comment. Mention core strategies for the transformation of aspirational districts in India and explain the nature of convergence, collaboration and competition for its success. [60 Marks], Give a brief account of the struggle against ‘Apartheid’ in South Africa. [10 Marks], “The Treaty of Nanking is the basic act in the imposing but unstable structure of international relations which governed China for a hundred years.” Comment. [30 Marks], The Russian Revolution of 1917 was a single revolution which developed two phases. “Russia’s defeat by Japan in 1905 had fatal consequences for the peace of Europe leading to the First World War.” Comment. Though not very useful from the point of view of a connected political history of South India, the Sangam literature portrays the social and economic conditions of its time with remarkable vividness. Safeguarding the Indian art heritage is the need of the moment. Why is India taking keen interest in resources of Arctic Region? How did Japan develop between 1868 and 1894? ... (History) Prelims 2019: GS Paper I … Gist of Yojana - July 2020. How did Napoleon Bonaparte fuse the old France with the new? [2005, 60 Marks], Critically analysis the cause and the results of the Chinese revolution of 1949. [60 Marks], “By 1861, China may be said to have been fully though grudgingly opened to the Westerner.” Comment. What policy instruments were deployed to contain the great economic depression? “Though the role of philosophers and bourgeois has been well acknowledged in the French Revolution, but the contribution of women has been largely ignored.” Do you agree? [60 Marks], Account for the overthrow of the Tsarist regime in Russia. [20 Marks], Trace the various stages that led to the Unification of Italy between 1848 and 1870. [20 Marks]. [20 Marks], “The process of industrialisation in some other countries of Europe was different from that in England.” [20 Marks]. Why did the industrial revolution first occur in England? How do you justify the view that the level of excellence of Gupta numismatic art is not at all noticeable in later times? How the Indian concept of secularism is different from the western model of secularism? Throw light on the debate on the nature of French Revolution. Why are the world’s fold mountain systems located along the margins of continents? Defying the barriers of age, gender and religion, the Indian women became the torch bearer during the struggle for freedom in India. What were the major issues and debates concerning women in that period? In what way did the political changes in Soviet Union influence the events in Eastern Europe during the closing decades of the 20th Century? संघ लोक सेवा आयोग UNION PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION. Online Course for History Optional including Answer Writing and Test Series for 2020 Main Examination. [20 Marks], Isolation of France constituted the keystone of Bismarck’s foreign policy. “Arab Nationalism, which was stirred at the outbreak of the First World War, received a check at the peace settlement.” Elaborate. [20 Marks], Write a critical note on: Lenin’s role in the Russian Revolution of 1917. One of the most important impacts of the Second World War was the “division of Europe”, eastern and western. Why? UPSC IAS Prelims exam is to be held on 27 June 2021. This Free PDF Notes (IAS प्री और मेंस के पिछले 21 सालों के पेपर्स हल सहित, UPSC Previous Year Question Paper Solved Prelims and Mains, last 21 years upsc question papers with answers pdf, UPSC mains and prelims Previous 21 Years : IAS Mains : GS Solved Papers, upsc prelims 2019 question paper pdf in hindi, upsc prelims question paper … (दक्ष और किफायती (अफोर्डेबल) शहरी सार्वजनिक परिवहन किस प्रकार भारत के द्रुत आर्थिक विकास की कुंजी है ?) “For a tired and timid generation Metternich was the necessary man.” Comment. [60 Marks], Write a critique on the partition of Africa from 1870 to 1914, with particular reference to Germany’s imperial designs in the Continent. Q. Practicing UPSC Previous Year's questions, be it Prelims or Mains, is a must for clearing Examination. In spite of adverse environmental impact, coal mining is still inevitable for development.” Discuss. Start Early for History Optional Comprehensive Preparation with Topic wise comprehensive study materials, test series, daily and weekly problem practice for 2021 Main Examination. [2009, 30 Marks], How did Napoleon fuse the French of the ancient regime with the France of the Post Revolutionary era? “Though the Reform Act, 1832 was criticised for many reasons, it was still important not only for what is was but also for what it sets in motion.” Explain. Without de Gaulle’s masterly handling of the situation, the Algerian crisis would probably have plunged France into civil war. [30 Marks], “The Russo-Japanese War helped in the rise of Japan as a great power.” [10 Marks], “The Berlin Congress (1878) failed to unlock the Eastern Question. How did China react to it? With a brief background of quality of urban life in India, introduce the objectives and strategy of the ‘Smart City Programme’. The socialism of earlier days certainly criticised the existing capitalistic mode of production and its consequences. [60 Marks], Discuss the main characteristics of Fascism. books in english “The Articles of Confederation proved too weak to manage the affairs of the United States and its remedy lied to in the ratification of the Constitution.” Elaborate. How far was it a reaction to Oil Imperialism? History Optional Online Course cum Test Series- 2021 [Batch IV] [English and Hindi], History Optional Online Course cum Test Series- 2022 [English and Hindi], Click here to register for Comprehensive Program for 2020, Click here to register for Comprehensive Program for 2021, Click here to register for World History Materials, Click here to register for Modern India Materials, Click here to register for Medieval India Materials, Click here to register for Ancient India Materials, Click here to register for Complete Map Materials, Click here to register for Previous Years Solved Questions [UPSC], Click here to register for Previous Years Solved Questions [UPPSC and BPSC], UPPSC History Optional Test Series- 2020 [In Hindi and English] यूपीपीएससी इतिहास वैकल्पिक टेस्ट सीरीज- 2020 [हिंदी और अंग्रेजी में], Weekly Problem Practice For History Optional- 2020 [For 2020 Test Series Enrolled Students], Daily and Weekly Problem Practice for History Optional- 2021, Ancient India Previous Years Solved Questions for History Optional, Medieval India Previous Years Solved Questions for History Optional, Modern India Previous Years Solved Questions for History Optional, World History Previous Years Solved Questions for History Optional. ... History section in Prelim-2019 while it’s not easier than previous years but it’s certainly ‘less lunatic’ than previous years. Nevertheless, aspirants should practice previous year’s UPSC papers to check their preparedness. Gandhara sculpture owed as much to the Romans as to the Greeks. Why do some of the most prosperous regions of India have an adverse sex ratio for women? HOME; Prelims. Q. [20 Marks], The Arab nationalism had a peculiar character. [60 Marks], “By the 1980s, the Communist system of the Soviet Union was incapable of maintaining the country’s role as a Superpower.” Explain this statement. In what way can flood be converted into a sustainable source of irrigation and all-weather inland navigation in India? [60 Marks], What factors contributed to the emergence of a unipolar world? [20 Marks], The French Revolution (1789) really achieved far less than what it intended to effect. Discuss (“महिला सशक्तिकरण जनसंख्या संवृद्धि को नियंत्रित करने की कुंजी है |” चर्चा कीजिए | ) (10m,150 words), What are the continued challenges for women in India against time and space? “Drafting of the American Constitution was the work of four months of secret debates and compromises.” Elucidate. Discuss the reasons behind one of the major political changes in Eastern Europe after the disintegration of Soviet Union: the dissolution of Czechoslovakia. But, beyond a point the cost:benefit = poor. Was it caused by economic factors or nationalist factors? “Revolution occurred in France in 1848 because France was bored.” Explain this statement. Critically evaluate. “My true glory is not to have won 40 battles…Waterloo will erase the memory of so many victories…but…what will live forever, is my Civil Code.” Comment. UPSC Prelims 2020 Question Paper Download. “The events in Prague, together with the Berlin blockade, convinced the European recipients of American economic assistance that they needed military protection as well: that led them to request the creation of a North Atlantic Treaty Organization.” Analyse this statement. Discuss the various economic and socio-cultural forces that are driving increasing feminization of agriculture in India. Elucidate. [60 Marks], “New imperialism was a nationalistic, not an economic phenomena.” Comment. Why are the tribals in India referred to as the Scheduled Tribes? The objectives and strategy of the Indus Valley Civilization provided inputs to the First World War the. India have an adverse sex ratio for women the questions asked in GSM-2019 battle! And, therefore, could not explain them, and 24 rivers start. ” critically evaluate the... To certain accomplished and containing the seed of momentous development fact system can not be in! 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